- The mystery of universe is on its way to resolve...........
- There are only reasons why we are failing to the mystery of universe
- 1. We are unable to travel through universe to check the various activities that are taking place out their.
- The traveling through the space can be made possible by using the famous equation E=mC2.
- According to this;
- "When a body travels with speed of light its mass starts increasing infinitesimally as the particles experience a very high velocity".
- Mr.Albert Einstein explained time as the 4th dimension other than length, breadth and height.
- According to him space and time are interrelated
- that means
- "Time" flows differently at different places
- According to him
- "If we travel at speed of light (i.e at 3lac km per sec) we can slow down the speed of flow of time"
- It has been observed that time in space moves faster than time on earth.